Custom hooks for pre-commit#

Typically one need to install pre-commit first:

Via pip:

pip install pre-commit

Via homebrew:

brew install pre-commit

Via conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pre-commit

Once installed, you can check the version with:

pre-commit --version

Next step is to create a configuration file .pre-commit-config.yaml in the root of the repository. It's content typically looks like this:

- repo:
  rev: 0.1.0                       # Check available tags on the GitHub page
    - id: <first-hook-id>          # Required
      ....                         # Optional arguments for the first hook
    - id: <second-hook-id>         # Required
      ....                         # Optional arguments for the second hook

For the content of the file see page for each individual hook:

Then install the git hook scripts:

pre-commit install

See documentation for more details.

Standalone usage#

Every hook is written in python and can be used as a standalone script.

One would need to clone the repository:

git clone

And install the package:

cd pre-commit-hooks
pip install .

Then the hook can be used as a standalone script:

<hook-name> <arguments> ...

You can display the help message for each script with the command:

<hook-name> --help